Submission Period June 1st to September 31st, midnight PST.

All fields marked with * must be completed.

Remember, if you have submitted your film previously to the Machinima Expo, it cannot be submitted again. We accept films of any length.


About the Film

Title : *

Runtime : (hh:mm:ss) Films can be of any length

How did you make it? : (Moviestorm, iClone, Halo, WoW, Hand Drawn, Stop motion etc)

Year of Completion :

Country of Origin :

Link to film: is our preferred site to submit your film with,
but we do accept other video sites (like as well. Make sure that we can download your film can be from the video site you choose.
On check the "allow downloads" box. Also, try to submit your film in HD if at all possible.

Password : (Include a password if your video isn't public yet)


Is this your first film? Would you like to be part of the First Time Directors screening series?: (Check for yes)


Short Description (150 characters):

Other Information (anything else you would like to include, such as credits) :


Please include links to three stills from your production or you include all three stills in one zipped file and provide link

One : *

Two :

Three :



About the Director

Director Name: *

Email : *

Skype :







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Prove that you're human, what is 10 + 2: *


If you have any questions or problems with ths submission process, don't hestitate to contact us.